Nov 072010

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

(Medium Chain Triglycerides)

For more than 50 years, the American public mistakenly believed that coconut oil was the cause of many health problems. Nothing could be further from the truth.


1. Prior to World War II, coconut oil was a staple of the American diet. Because the Japanese occupation in the South Pacific cut off the nation’s coconut oil supply, American manufacturers developed substitute cooking oils. It was the start of the Hydrogenated Oil Industry.

Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oils

2. By the time the war ended, these manufacturers had invested major amounts of money in the new cooking oils and wanted to ensure their success. Meanwhile, heart disease started to increase in America.


3. The anti-cholesterol movement began, citing all saturated fats, including coconut oil, as enemies of a healthy heart. Unfortunately, by the end of the 1950s, the public had completely turned against coconut oil.

The Truth

4. Trans fatty acids, found in hydrogenated oils, are the true culprits of health problems. Hydrogenated oils are fatty acid chains that have been altered from their natural form through the refining process. Pure coconut oil has many health benefits including lowering LDL cholesterol, stimulating thyroid function, regulating blood sugar, reducing the risk of certain cancers and preventing infections.


5. Polyunsaturated fats can actually contribute to the formation of blood clots. Coconut oil decreases this risk.

Fun Fact

6. Applying coconut oil directly to your skin can help prevent the development of wrinkles and skin sagging.





View Dr.Mercola


The health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and cancer, dental care, and bone strength. These benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, soothing, etc.

How is Lauric Acid Used by our body?
The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which is claimed to help in dealing with viruses and bacteria causing diseases such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and even HIV. It helps in fighting harmful bacteria such as listeria monocytogenes and heliobacter pylori, and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia. As a result of these various health benefits of coconut oil, though its exact mechanism of action was unknown, it has been extensively used in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicinal system. The Coconut Research Center has compiled various references on scientific research done on coconut oil.

Before we move on to the benefits of coconut oil in detail, let us understand its composition.

Composition of Coconut Oil: Coconut oil consists of more than ninety percent of saturated fats (Don’t panic! First read to the last word. Your opinion may change), with traces of few unsaturated fatty acids, such as monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Virgin Coconut Oil is no different from this. Let us have a bit detailed study of this.

  • The Saturated Fatty Acids: Most of them are Medium Chain Triglycerides, which are supposed to assimilate well. Lauric Acid is the chief contributor, with more than forty percent of the share, followed by Capric Acid, Caprylic Acid, Myristic Acid and Palmitic.
  • The Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Linoleic Acid.
  • The Monounsaturated Fatty Acids: Oleic Acid.
  • The Poly-phenols: Gallic Acid, which is phenolic acid. These poly-phenols are supposed to be responsible for the fragrance and the taste of Coconut Oil and Virgin Coconut Oil is rich in these poly-phenols.
  • Certain derivatives of fatty acid like Betaines, Ethanolamide, Ethoxylates, Fatty Esters, Fatty Polysorbates, Monoglycerides and Polyol Esters.
  • Fatty Chlorides, Fatty Alcohol Sulphate and Fatty Alcohol Ether Sulphate, all of which are derivatives of Fatty Alcohols.
  • Vitamin-E and Vitamin K and minerals such as Iron.


Let us now explore the benefits of coconut oil in detail:

Hair Care: Coconut oil is one of the best natural nutrition for hair. It helps in healthy growth of hair providing them a shiny complexion. Regular massage of the head with coconut oil ensures that your scalp is free of dandruff, lice, and lice eggs, even if your scalp is dry. Coconut oil is extensively used in the Indian sub-continent for hair care. It is an excellent conditioner and helps in the re-growth of damaged hair. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair. It is therefore used as hair care oil and used in manufacturing various conditioners, and dandruff relief creams. Coconut oil is normally applied topically for hair care.

Stress Relief: Coconut oil is very soothing and hence it helps in removing stress. Applying coconut oil to the head followed with a gentle massage helps in removing mental fatigue.

Skin Care: Coconut oil is excellent massage oil for the skin as well. It acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skins including dry skin. The benefit of coconut oil on the skin is comparable to that of mineral oil. Further, unlike mineral oil, there is no chance of having any adverse side effects on the skin with the application of coconut oil. Coconut oil therefore is a safe solution for preventing dryness and flaking of skin. It also delays wrinkles, and sagging of skin which normally become prominent with age. Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections. Therefore coconut oil forms the basic ingredient of various body care products such as soaps, lotions, creams, etc., used for skin care.

Premature Aging: Coconut oil helps in preventing premature aging and degenerative diseases due to its antioxidant properties.

Heart Diseases: There is a misconception spread among many people that coconut oil is not good for the heart. This is because it contains a large quantity of saturated fats. However, coconut oil is beneficial for the heart. It contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in preventing various heart problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. The saturated fats present in coconut oil are not harmful as it happens in case of other vegetables oils. It does not lead to increase in LDL levels. It also reduces the incidence of injury in arteries and therefore helps in preventing atherosclerosis.

Weight Loss: Coconut oil is very useful in reducing weight. It contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive weight. It is also easy to digest and it helps in healthy functioning of the thyroid and enzymes systems. Further, it increases the body metabolism by removing stress on pancreases, thereby burning out more energy and helping obese and overweight people reduce their weight. Hence, people living in tropical coastal areas, who eat coconut oil daily as their primary cooking oil, are normally not fat, obese or overweight.

Pancreatitis: Coconut oil is also believed to be useful in treating pancreatitis.

Digestion: Internal use of coconut oil occurs primarily as cooking oil. Coconut oil helps in improving the digestive system and thus prevents various stomach and digestion related problems including irritable bowel syndrome. The saturated fats present in coconut oil have anti microbial properties and help in dealing with various bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc., that cause indigestion. Coconut oil also helps in absorption of other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Immunity: Coconut oil is also good for the immune system. It strengthens the immune system as it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which is claimed to help in dealing with viruses and bacteria causing diseases such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and even HIV. It helps in fighting harmful bacteria such as listeria monocytogenes and heliobacter pylori, and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia.

Healing: When applied on infections, it forms a chemical layer which protects the infected body part from external dust, air, fungi, bacteria and virus. Coconut oil is most effective on bruises as it speeds up the healing process by repairing damaged tissues.

Infections: Coconut oil is very effective against a variety of infections due to its antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. According to the Coconut Research Center, coconut oil kills viruses that cause influenza, measles, hepatitis, herpes, SARS, etc. It also kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and gonorrhea, etc. Coconut oil is also effective on fungi and yeast that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete’s foot, thrush, diaper rash, etc.

Liver: The presence of medium chain triglycerides and fatty acids helps in preventing liver diseases as they substances are easily converted into energy when they reach the liver, thus reducing work load on the liver and also preventing accumulation of fat.

Kidney: Coconut oil helps in preventing kidney and gall bladder diseases. It also helps in dissolving kidney stones.

Diabetes: Coconut oil helps in controlling blood sugar, and improves the secretion of insulin. It also helps in effective utilization of blood glucose, thereby preventing and treating diabetes.

Bones: As mentioned earlier, coconut oil improves the ability of our body to absorb important minerals. These include calcium and magnesium which are necessary for development of bones. Thus coconut oil is very useful to women who are prone to osteoporosis after middle age.

Dental Care: Calcium is an important element present in teeth. Since coconut oil facilitates absorption of calcium by the body, it helps in getting strong teeth. Coconut oil also stops tooth decay.

HIV and Cancer: It is believed that coconut oil plays an instrumental role in reducing viral susceptibility of HIV and cancer patients. Preliminary research has shown indications of the effect of coconut oil on reducing the viral load of HIV patients (Reference).

Finally, coconut oil is often preferred by athletes and body builders and by those who are dieting. The reason behind this being that coconut oil contains lesser calories than other oils, its fat content is easily converted into energy and it does not lead to accumulation of fat in the heart and arteries. Coconut oil helps in boosting energy and endurance, and enhances the performance of athletes.

This article is written by Kiran Patil

Virgin Coconut Oil: Coconut Oil is surely not an unfamiliar name with most of us, but Virgin Coconut Oil may be. No! Unlike most of your presumptions, it is not another name given to the ordinary coconut oil by some company, just to increase its sale, claiming that it is the purest form available with them. There indeed is a substance called Virgin Coconut Oil and, if not entirely, it has some differences with the ordinary coconut oil. These differences mainly lie with the source (more specifically, the physical form of source), the method of extraction and its benefits. Virgin Coconut Oil is rapidly gaining its popularity throughout the world over the Ordinary Coconut Oil, and it is not in vain.

Difference between Virgin Coconut Oil and Ordinary Coconut Oil: Let us check out what made these two sisters, born of the same mother, so different from each other, yet being so similar. Back to top

  • Extraction: The main difference between Ordinary Coconut Oil and Virgin Coconut Oil lies in their processes of extraction. While the former is extracted by cold compression or cold milling of Copra (another name for dried Coconut kernels), with a moisture content of around six percent, the latter is extracted from the coconut milk obtained from the fresh coconuts. Thereafter, using processes like fermentation, churning (centrifugal separation), refrigeration and action of enzymes, etc., the oil is separated from the water or moisture. In some cases, this fresh coconut oil is boiled to get the oil by evaporating the water or moisture. However, in case of Virgin Coconut Oil, the raw materials and the process of extraction should not allow any involvement of heat. Therefore, in good & reputed firms that manufacture Virgin Coconut Oil, throughout the whole process, utmost care is taken to ensure that the kernels and the raw material, i.e. the coconut milk, are not subjected to heat or sunlight. In some cases, Virgin Coconut Oil is also extracted directly by cold compression of fresh dried coconut meat. This is also called Micro-expelling.
  • Appearance: The Virgin Coconut Oil looks very slightly different from the Ordinary Coconut Oil and this differentiation cannot be done with naked eyes. This difference is mainly due to the presence of certain colloidal and other particles and moisture in it. On the other hand, ordinary oil is refined and is left predominantly with the fatty acids in it and almost nothing else. Ideally, virgin Coconut Oil should be as clear as water. But, its color may vary slightly depending upon processing.
  • Virtues: Virgin Coconut Oil has very good taste and smell, like those of fresh coconuts, since it is derived from fresh coconuts and is subjected to very low, if not totally nil, heat and sunlight. It is also not refined. This preserves all the natural goodness of this oil, such as high content of Vitamin-E and minerals, which are otherwise almost robbed from the Ordinary Coconut Oil during processes like heating, filtration, refining, bleaching etc. which are done to make it colorless and odorless. Further, Virgin Coconut Oil is very effective as a moisturizing agent. Its anti oxidant properties are far better than those of the normal coconut oil.
  • Composition: No! They do not differ much in composition, except that a few good things, such as few poly-phenols, vitamins and minerals, contributing to the taste, fragrance and goodness of coconut oil are more in Virgin Coconut Oil than the its ordinary counterpart. Further, it is richer is Medium Chain Fatty Acids, good cholesterols and has almost no Trans Fatty Acids.

Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil: Not being subjected to heat (even if it is, it is subjected to very low heat), sunlight, being extracted from fresh (non-dried) coconuts with different process of extraction, it is certainly more in benefits than the ordinary coconut oil. It is higher in vitamin content, anti-oxidants (which is nil or negligible in ordinary coconut oil), minerals, medium chain fatty acids, taste, fragrance and even protein. The shelf life of virgin coconut oil is very long, much longer than any other edible oil and its own variant, the RBD (Refined Bleached Deodorized) coconut oil. It does not go rancid easily. Due to presence of higher amounts of Lauric and Capric acid, prospect of using VCO in aiding treatment of AIDS is also being explored.

httpv://  Our story; Alzheimers’ and Coconut Oil: Ian Blair Hamilton and Cassie Bond

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Information from

Sep 182010


Organic Apple Cider Vinegar:

“Many herbalists recommend the use of raw, unpasteurized, unheated, organic apple cider vinegar as an important dietary ingredient for humans, farm animals and pets, including birds. The Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care describes apple cider vinegar in this way: “Long a folk remedy, cider vinegar has been shown to improve the health of dairy cows, horses, dogs and other animals. It reduces common infections, aids whelping, improves stamina, prevents muscle fatigue after exercise, increases resistance to disease and protects against food poisoning. Cider vinegar is rich in the vitamins, minerals and trace elements found in apples, especially potassium; it normalizes acid levels [pH] in the stomach, improves digestion and the assimilation of nutrients, reduces intestinal and fecal odors, helps cure constipation, alleviates some of the symptoms of arthritis and helps prevent bladder stones and urinary tract infections.”

Vinegar Through The Ages

Vinegar has been used to cure ailments for centuries. For hundreds of years, folk medicine practitioners have recommended daily doses of apple cider vinegar, not only for specific medical problems, but also for overall food health. In Asia vinegar is called the friend of Chinese herbs because it is often used to process herbal preparations. It is also successfully used in modern Chinese medicine.

Historically, the origin of vinegar was never specifically noted. Vinegar was probably discovered when one of our ancestors found that wine exposed to the air would turn sour, thereby creating vinegar. It is amongst the oldest of foods and medicines know to man. For its healing ways, vinegar has been used for thousands of years. In 400 B.C, Hypocrites, known as the father of medicine, treated patients with vinegar, making it one of the world’s first medicines. Throughout biblical times, vinegar was successfully used to treat infections and wounds. For centuries medical textbooks have listed various ways to use vinegar. These uses include everything from keeping a sharp mind to purifying the waters of the body and to easing pain and alleviating dozens of other ailments. Modern laboratory analysis verifies the antibacterial and antiseptic properties of vinegar. Many of the old-time uses are just as applicable now as they were centuries ago. (Moore xii)

Natural Apple Cider Vinegar: One of Mother Nature%uFFFDs Most Perfect Foods

Fermenting sweet juice makes vinegar. The juice turns to wine or cider which is allowed to ferment a second time until the alcohol mixes with oxygen in the air, changing it into acetic acid and water. Natural—that is, undistilled, organic, raw, apple cider vinegar is often called one of Mother Nature’s most perfect foods. Apple cider vinegar should be made from fresh, organic, crushed apples that are allowed to mature naturally in wooden barrels. Natural apple cider vinegar, found in health food stores, should be a rich amber color with the “mother” quite visible as sentiment on the bottom. The strength of vinegar is important. All varieties of vinegar contain about 4 to 7 percent acetic acid, with 5 percent being the most common amount. Acetic acid is what gives vinegar its tart and sour taste.

There is nothing beneficial about commercial distilled vinegars except for pickling, cleaning and disinfection —they have no health value! They do not contain the health values of organic, raw apple cider vinegar with the mother( enzymes) still intact and viable. Distilled white vinegar and cider vinegar sold in supermarkets are considered “dead” vinegars with none of the enzymes and other live factors that make raw, unpasteurized vinegars so valuable. Distilling removes the beneficial “mother” from the vinegar, thereby, destroying the powerful enzymes and life giving minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, natural organic sodium, magnesium, sulphur, iron copper, natural organic fluorine, silicon, trace minerals, pectin and other powerful nutrients. Also destroyed are natural malic and tartaric acids, which are important in fighting body toxins and inhibiting unfriendly bacteria growth (Bragg 1- 4).

Apple cider vinegar has shown to be an extremely valuable constituent in the body’s biochemical operations and an essential building block in the construction of many complex substances in the body. Vinegar is low in calories and carbohydrates but does contain small amounts of calcium, phosphorus, iron and, of course, lots of potassium. A cup of ACV is 98.8% water, has 34 calories, a trace of protein, and no fat. (Moore p.viii) Acetic acid, the principal constituent in vinegar, plays an important role in the release of energy from fats and carbohydrates. It is of primary importance in the body’s metabolism.

Apple Cider Vinegar Can Make Any Living Thing Healthier

Dr. D.C. Jarvis, MD who wrote “Folk Medicine, A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health” and “Arthritis and Folk Medicine%uFFFD, is completely convinced that apple cider vinegar could make any living thing healthier. He believes, Potassium, which is found in just the right amounts in natural apple cider vinegar “is so essential to the life of every living thing and that with out it there would be no life. Potassium is the most important of all minerals that are necessary for good health.” Potassium’s main function is to promote cell, tissue and organism growth. It is necessary to replace dead cells and tissue. There is no better source of potassium than vinegar—particularly natural apple cider vinegar.

Dr. Jarvis believes Apple cider vinegar can help fight infection, simply by keeping fluids where they belong—in body cells, not in bacteria. Bacteria need moisture to thrive. As bacteria multiply, they will pull necessary fluids from healthy cells in order to flourish, particularly during times of stress when resistance is low. Stress is a major agent in causing a previously sub-clinical problem to break into a full-blown illness. If the process goes unchecked illness will occur. In order to defeat bacterial infections and illness it is important to keep moisture in the cells and prevent germs from depleting that moisture. According to Dr. Jarvis: “If there is enough potassium in each body cell, it will draw moisture from the [harmful] bacteria, instead of the bacteria taking moisture from the body cells.” Therefore by providing natural sources of potassium in the diet (fruit, berries, sprouts, edible leaves, edible roots, etc.) and including apple cider vinegar to that diet the body cells are provided with the necessary moisture-attracting potassium. It is interesting to note that many traditional medicines used to combat bacterial illness also work by depriving bacteria of moisture and thus keeping fluids inside the cells (O’Brien p40)

Acidic pH Balance Will Discourage Bacteria, Yeast & Fungal Growth

Apple cider vinegar destroys microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, viruses and others, and prevents poisons from reaching the rest of the systems of the body. It has been proven to inhibit the growth of gram-negative bacilli, Pseudomonas, and Candida. The acid nature of vinegar makes the digestive tract environment unpleasant for germs and fungus. Apple cider vinegar has proven to be a natural treatment (and preventative) in simple cases of avian pediatric digestive disorders. Dr. Jarvis through his own research believes that apple cider vinegar will lower bloods natural alkalinity, bringing it closer to a natural healthy acid state. A naturally acidic digestive tract digestive, with the correct pH balance, will discourage bacteria and is less likely to grow yeast and fungus. Apple cider vinegar can assist the natural process of breaking food in the stomach. The acidic qualities of ACV will help break down protein, in the digestive system, for absorption into the bloodstream.

Apple Cider Vinegar On The Farm

For the past year and a half I have routinely added apple cider vinegar, to my baby birds’ hand-feeding formula, to all drinking water and sprinkled some on the food of the animals here at our aviary and small dairy farm. These animals include several species of breeding exotic parrots, chickens, ducks, dogs, cats and LaMancha dairy goats. The vinegar keeps the water bowls and bottles very clean and sanitary and the animals seem to love it— of course, the nutritional and health benefits are a plus. Apple cider vinegar added to young birds drinking water encourages early weaning and healthy weight gain and they will feather out faster. Adding a little raw apple cider vinegar to the hand-feeding formula water can prove nutritionally beneficial and help to inhibit the growth of yeast, fungus and bacteria. In formula a ratio of about %uFFFD tsp per 4 oz water is best.

You may safely add cider vinegar to food and/or drinking water, starting with small amounts and building up to %uFFFD to 1 teaspoon per 15 pounds of body weight or about 1 tsp apple cider vinegar (health food store variety best) to 8 oz water. That is about %uFFFD cup per gallon of water and/or you may sprinkle or spray small amounts on bird’s food. Gradually add small doses to food over time, you can help even the most finicky eater to accept this. Do not use metal food or water dishes when using vinegar, stainless steel is OK.

In Conclusion

Why Vinegar? Because it can be used medicinally, gets rid of poisons in the body, has disinfecting and cleaning properties and is a natural, nontoxic, biodegradable substance. That is, vinegar is an unadulterated food, a powerful cleansing agent and healing elixir—a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria. We would be smart to make use of vinegar in our own lives and in our avian nurseries and breeding facilities. — For a healthier, stronger, longer life for our animals and ourselves.

For daily maintenance, weight loss and pH balancing, we now suggest the following:2 teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar
16 ounces of water
Sip, don’t chug!We suggest 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 16 ounces of water that you’ll sip throughout the day, rather than drinking the whole concoction at once 3 times a day. You will be keeping your pH in a constant, alkalized state by sipping this highly diluted dosage. Usually 1-2 tall glasses of the concoction are all you’ll need each day.If you drink a lot of water throughout the day, consider adding just a splash of apple cider vinegar to your glass/container each time you fill it up, rather than drinking the one, 16 oz glass of acv and water mentioned above.
For the record, we are not big fans of adding baking soda to apple cider vinegar, nor are we fans of adding any kind of sweetener to the acv/water solution. The baking soda works great for some people, but causes severe side effects in others.
Also, we know the Bragg brand is the most popular apple cider vinegar on the market, but we’ve had just as good results using Whole Foods’ organic and Trader Joe’s organic apple cider vinegar.
To detox: 2 TBLSP of organic ACV in a 1 or 2 Liter filtered water bottle (ie Smart Water, Evian, etc). 2 TBLSP = 1/8th cup. You can add more vinegar than this amount, however, make sure you dilute it with plenty of water. Do not add a sweetener. Drink this solution throughout the day. The solution will be cleansing your system and kidneys all day long. That’s the point.

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Sep 172010


by Thomas M. Sipos, L.A. Bureau Chief.  [January 14, 2003]Stanislaw Burzynski


[]  A new medical magic bullet — Antineoplaston therapy— is curing cancers at an astonishing success rate — but amazingly, the FDA wants to suppress it!

That’s the incredible charge of investigative journalist Thomas D. Elias, author of The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment … and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It, as explained to the Weekly Universe in an exclusive interview.

* Burzynski’s Antineoplaston Miracle

The key to this new miracle cancer cure are antineoplastons (Greek for “anti-cancer”) which are peptide fragments formed by amino acids.  Their major active ingredients include phenylacetate, sodium phenylbutyrate, and sodium phenylisobutyrate.

Explains Elias: “Antineoplastons are found in profusion in the blood and urine of healthy individuals — but are virtually absent in cancer victims.  The compounds were first noted in the early 1960s by researchers at Rockefeller University, but no one linked them to cancer until Stanislaw Burzynski in 1968 noted their absence in cancer victims.”

At the time of his amazing discovery, Burzynski was a medical student in Poland.  He came to America to escape Communist persecution — just before the Polish army was to send him to serve as a medical officer for the Viet Cong!

Coming to America in 1970, Burzynski became a researcher at Baylor University College of Medicine in Houston, where he continued his study of peptides with transplant surgeon Michael DeBakey.  He left Baylor in 1976, with the rank of associate professor.

To date, Burzynski has identified 117 antineoplaston compounds, but his antineoplaston drug uses only the two “broadest-acting” compounds.  But Elias adds that Burzynski “theorizes that if he had time and money to test the others, he would find one specific to every type of human cancer!”

In The Burzynski Breakthrough, Elias charts the clinical trial results of Burzynski’s antineoplaston treatment against dozens of types of cancer.  “All these figures derive from progress reports sent to the FDA, which are required of anyone who conducts clinical trials,” says Elias.  “But there is no other cancer treatment for which the manufacturer has ever made precise performance figures available.

“Overall, Burzynski’s drug draws significant responses in about 65% of all cancers on which it has been used.  This includes complete remissions, partial remissions (i.e., more than 50% reduction of tumor within six months of start of treatment), and stable disease (less than 50% tumor reduction, but no progression — which can be a very significant result if you have a fast-growing brain tumor that’s not responding to anything else).

“Burzynski’s drug works via a chemical reaction that reactivates tumor suppresser genes — specifically the p53 tumor suppresser gene — which have been quieted, usually because they’ve been coated with methyl groups.  About 60-65% of all cancers are associated with malfunction of the p53 gene, so Burzynski’s numbers are apparently is no accident.”

* Antineoplastons Tops Chemo & Radiation

Antineoplaston’s astonishing success rate vs. standard treatments are starkest with brain tumors.  Burzynski has about a 65% response rate for all types of brain cancers, whereas chemo and radiation achieve five-year cures in less than 1% of all cases.  Chemotherapeutic agents rarely reach the brain (because of the “blood-brain barrier”) whereas antineoplastons do!

Antineoplastons have also proven dramatically effective against such cancers as lymphomas (Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins), renal cell (kidney), hepatic (liver), and breast.

“Another major difference between antineoplastons and chemo is that antineoplastons are non-toxic,” adds Elias, “so patients do not lose hair or become nauseous.  Antineoplaston’s relatively mild side effects include frequent urination and a fever in the early stages of tumor breakdown.”

* Is He A Quack? 

“Burzynski is frequently accused of being a quack,” says Elias, “but no quack would publish negative results — which Burzynski provided to me right along with the good ones.

“As the discoverer of antineoplastons, Burzynski holds the patents for them, and is conducting clinical trials at the moment against 72 types of cancer.  My book reports both good and bad response rates for various cancer types.

“A quack also would not send away patients, telling them he can’t help or that some other treatment would be better for them, as Burzynski does with some patients.  For instance, for childhood leukemia, he will tell you the standard treatments work pretty well.”

* Growing Worldwide Acceptance

Research centers around the world are now studying antineoplastons — including a few doctors in Germany, Sweden, Holland, Australia, and Switzerland.

“At the University of Kurume Medical School in Japan,” says Elias, “Dr. Hideaki Tsuda heads a team that has had notable success against liver and kidney cancer — including curing the University chancellor of a liver cancer for which he had been given a terminal diagnosis!

“But in the USA, Burzynski is the only doctor who acknowledges using them.

“A second clinical trial site at Beth Israel Hospital in New York was to begin accepting patients about six months ago, but Dr. Fred Epstein (an Albert Einstein Medical School professor and pediatric neuro-oncologist) who wanted to head that study, was injured in a bicycle accident, and is not yet fully recovered.  So that clinical trial is in abeyance, even though the Institutional Review Board at Beth Israel has okayed it.”

* Endorsed by Julian Whitaker 

One of the many supporters of Burzynski is alternative health expert, Dr. Julian Whitaker.

“Whitaker has written about Burzynski and antineoplastons on several occasions in his newsletter,” says Elias.  “He appeared on two television programs with me and Burzynski, and gave the keynote address in March 2001 — when 500 cured Burzynski patients gave a testimonial dinner for him in Houston!

“Whitaker has also written about the FDA’s persecution of Burzynski — which goes well beyond mere harassment.

* FDA Suppression

Despite the amazing success of antineoplastons, the Food and Drug Administration is trying to suppress them!

“Yes, the FDA is trying to suppress antineoplastons,” confirms Elias.  “There also has been an effort to steal them, with the FDA cooperating with Elan Pharmaceutical Corp. in that effort.

“Elan now is in deep financial trouble, so I don’t believe they are much involved any more.  But I have copies of signed internal National Cancer Institute documents in which NCI official Michael Friedman stated as early as 1992 that ‘the human brain tumor responses are real’ but that it would be easier for the FDA to develop the drug through a large pharmaceutical company.”

The Weekly Universe has also learned that the NCI now acknowledges Burzynski’s research on its website.  However, the NCI claims that at this point [May 20, 2002], “no definitive conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of treatment with antineoplastons.”

Elias reports that Friedman went on to become deputy commissioner for operations at the FDA, then acting commissioner during the last two years of Clinton’s term.  He is now senior VP at Abbott Laboratories (a division of Monsanto Corp.).

“The FDA is on record as saying it has never, and never will, license a drug to a private entrepreneur,” says Elias.  “Instead, in 1997, the FDA put Burzynski on criminal trial, charging him with 75 counts of interstate trafficking of an unapproved drug, and with insurance fraud.  Burzynski was acquitted on all counts.  Since then, the FDA has merely harassed him and his patients.

But while one arm of the government is trying to stop Burzynski from saving dying patients, another branch is trying to steal Burzynski’s work!

“NCI patent applications for drugs that precisely duplicate Burzynski’s drugs establish that the government knows this drug works!” charges Elias.  “It is clear from an NCI response to my FOIA request that the FDA prosecuted Burzynski in hopes of putting him away somewhere where he could not protect his patents!”

* The Chilling Timeline

Elias offers the following timeline to prove his chilling charges:

    * 1989 — Burzynski cures Elan founder Donald Panoz’s sister-in-law of a brain tumor.

    * 1990 — Elan signs a letter of intent with Burzynski to hold clinical trials for antineoplastons, and bring them to market, paying Burzynski a substantial royalty.

    * 1990 — During the 90-day period in which either party can cancel the contract, Elan sends scientists to Burzynski’s clinic & manufacturing plant (since 1980, all antineoplastons are produced synthetically) and learns he has not patented simple phenylacetate as a cancer therapy. Burzynski says he did not do so because plain PA is about one-tenth as effective as his more complex compounds.  Elan cancels the contract.

    * 1991 — Elan begins funding a 10-center clinical trial of plain phenylacetate against brain tumors.  Elan also begins funding Dr. Dvorit Samid’s laboratory at the Uniformed Services Medical School in Bethesda, and continues funding Samid when she moves on to the NCI and later to the University of Virginia Medical School.  Samid began researching antineoplastons in 1988 using materials supplied by Burzynski.  There is correspondence to prove this.

    * 1993 — Samid signs the NCI patent applications.

    * Spring 1995 — NIH (National Institute of Health) receives patents virtually identical to Burzynski’s.

    * May 1995 — Elan receives a license from NIH to develop the government’s patents.  How much Elan pays for this license is redacted from the contract copy sent to me in response to my FOIA request.

    * June 1995 — FDA agents, reinforced by gun-toting DEA and ATF agents, raid Burzynski’s clinic, rousting patients from waiting room at gun-point, some in wheelchairs.

    * Sept. 1995 — Burzynski is indicted.  He becomes the first scientist ever indicted for the use of a drug on which the FDA has granted him permits to conduct clinical trials.

    * May 1997 — Burzynski is acquitted in federal district court in Houston.
“The timeline pretty much establishes that while the FDA was trying to squelch this drug prior to 1991, it was in cahoots with Elan afterward to steal it,” adds Elias.  “The movement of individuals from the NCI to FDA, and then to industry (one key person became an Elan VP) facilitated all this.

“However, the FDA’s legal effort against Burzynski began in 1983,” says Elias, giving details in his Burzynski Breakthrough.


* Politicos, Good and Bad
In any story of big corporate lies and ruthless government coverup, there are heroes and villains.  The Weekly Universe asked Elias to name the good and the bad among “the people’s” representatives.  Those who are helping to bring Burzynski’s life-saving therapy to dying patients — and those opposed!

Says Elias: “The main hinderer among politicians is Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA), my very own congressman!  Were he still chairman of the House Commerce subcommittee overseeing the FDA, Burzynski would probably be out of business.  This is because of Waxman’s close alliance with the FDA, spurred by his fierce anti-tobacco stance.

“Among those who stick up for antineoplastons is Representative Dan Burton (R-IN), who held several hearings on the topic while chairman of the House Government Operations committee.  Others who have been supportive are Representative Joe Barton (R-TX) and Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA).

* Tantamount to Murder

Concludes Elias: “I believe the FDA’s actions in keeping this treatment off the general market and out of general use are tantamount to murder of many thousands of patients who could still be alive if antineoplastons had been available to them.

“This is the best and most important story I have ever covered.  What I’ve told you here is just a fraction of the story.  That’s why I had to write it in book-length.”

The Burzynski Breakthrough has been optioned for a TV movie.

Thomas D. Elias may be contacted at:

Stanislaw Burzynski may be contacted through his Burzynski Patient’s Group.

* Who is Thomas D. Elias?Thomas D. Elias writes a syndicated political column appearing twice weekly in 70 newspapers around California, with circulation over 1.89 million.  He has won awards from the National Headliners Club, the California Newspaper Publishers Association, the Greater Los Angeles Press Club, and the California Taxpayers Association.  He has been nominated three times for the Pulitzer Prize in distinguished commentary.His books include The Burzynski Breakthrough and The Simpson Trial in Black and White (co-authored with Dennis Schatzman).  He serves on the national advisory boards of the Polycystic Kidney Research Foundation and the Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University.  He has been honored for his volunteer work by the Los Angeles Human Relations Commission, the National Kidney Foundation and the Anti-Defamation League.  He is working on a third book, about his experiences with kidney failure and later as a kidney transplant recipient.He was West Coast correspondent for the Scripps Howard Newspapers for 15 years before he began writing books.  He is a regular contributor to Long Island Newsday and the national Cox News Service.  He has appeared on The Today Show, CBS This Morning, the CBS Evening News, Larry King Live, Rivera Live and C-Span’s Book TV.He holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from Stanford University, has taught journalism at the University of Southern California, California State University at Northridge, and two other Cal State campuses.

UPDATE: The Texas Medical Board’s case against him was dismissed on November 19, 2012

After a 15-year long battle, the Texas Medical Board has officially ended its crusade to revoke Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s medical license in an effort to end the use of his pioneering personalized gene-targeted therapy for cancer

  • Evidence has shown in the past that the FDA has pressured the Texas Medical Board to revoke Dr. Burzynski’s medical license—despite the fact that no laws were broken, and his treatment was proven safe and effective.
  • The Texas Medical Board (TMB) has a long history of harassing doctors. The entire Board was sued by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) in 2007, citing an “institutional culture of retaliation and intimidation.” Legislation was also drafted in 2009 in an effort to clamp down on the abuses by the TMB, but the bill failed to be passed into law.
  • Dr. Burzynski’s treatment also includes antineoplastons, which are peptides and derivatives of amino acids that act as molecular and genetic switches. They turn off oncogenes that cause cancer, and activate tumor suppressor genes.
  • Once they’ve determined which genes are involved in the cancer, after extensive third-party genomic testing on both the cancer tissue obtained during biopsy as well as the patient’s blood, a custom formulation of FDA-approved gene-targeted drugs are then meticulously chosen to target that patients genes specially related to their cancer. Antineoplastons by themselves work on nearly 100 cancer-causing genes, while traditional gene targeted oncology agents like Avastin, are only proven to target a single gene. Typically, patients who participate in Burzynski’s personalized gene-targeted regimen also receive Phenylbutyrate, a metabolite of Burzynski’s original Antineoplaston invention.


Radiation or Chemotherapy Only         Antineoplastons Only
5 of 54 patients (9 percent)       5 of 20 (25 percent)
were cancer free at the end of treatment      were cancer free at the end of treatment
Toxic side effects       No toxic side effects

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Aug 282010

Magnesium Rich Foods


Magnesium is an essential mineral for human nutrition. Magnesium in the body serves several important metabolic functions. It plays a role in the production and transport of energy. It is also important for the contraction and relaxation of muscles. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of protein, and it assists in the functioning of certain enzymes in the body. According to recent USDA surveys, the average intake of magnesium by women 19 to 50 years of age was about 74 percent of the RDA. Men of the same age got about 94 percent of the recommended amount. About 50 percent of women had intakes below 70 percent of their RDA.

Recommended Daily Requirements of Magnesium:        

  • Children

o                                                        1-3 years old: 80 milligrams

o                                                        4-8 years old: 130 milligrams

o                                                        9-13 years old: 240 milligrams

o                                                        14-18 years old (boys): 410 milligrams

o                                                        14-18 years old (girls): 360 milligrams

  • Adult females: 310 milligrams
  • Pregnancy: 360-400 milligrams
  • Breastfeeding women: 320-360 milligrams
  • Adult males: 400 milligram


What Foods are High in Magnesium?

Green vegetables such as spinach are good sources of magnesium because the center of the chlorophyll molecule (which gives green vegetables their color) contains magnesium. Some beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and whole, unrefined grains are also good sources of magnesium.

The other crucial health benefits of magnesium include protein synthesis, relief from bronchospasm (constricted airways) in the lungs, and improvement of parathyroid function. It boosts the bio-availability of vitamin B6 and cholesterol, improves muscle functioning, and prevents osteoporosis, insomnia, constipation, heart attacks, hypertension, constipation, migraines, kidney stones, and gallstones.
Other sources of magnesium include nuts (especially almonds), whole grains, wheat germ, fish, and green leafy vegetables. As with most nutrients, daily needs for magnesium cannot be met from food alone which is why magnesium dietary supplements are recommended as well.
The top five health benefits of magnesium are:
1. Magnesium may reverse osteoporosis
Multiple research studies conducted have suggested that calcium supplemented with magnesium improves bone mineral density. Magnesium deficiency alters calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, resulting in osteoporosis. Intake of recommended levels of magnesium is important because it averts osteoporosis.
2. Magnesium prevents cardiovascular diseases
One of the most important benefits of magnesium is that it is associated with lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases. Dietary surveys have suggested that sufficient magnesium intake may reduce the chance of having a stroke. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which increases the risk of complications after a heart attack. Therefore, consuming recommended amounts of magnesium dietary supplements may be beneficial to the cardiovascular system.
3. Magnesium regulates high blood pressure (Hypertension)
Magnesium plays a key role in regulating blood pressure naturally. Magnesium supplements and a diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are good sources of potassium and magnesium, are consistently associated with lowering blood pressure.
4. Magnesium treats diabetes
Studies show that individuals with a magnesium deficiency have a risk of developing type-2 diabetes and severe diabetic retinopathy. Magnesium aids in carbohydrate metabolism and influences the release and activity of insulin, thereby controlling blood glucose levels. It has been proven that for every 100 milligrams of increase in magnesium daily intake, there was a 15 percent decrease in the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
5. Magnesium treats migraines, insomnia, and depression
The numerous magnesium health benefits also include the treatment of migraines, insomnia, and symptoms of depression. Magnesium is also known to cure severe forms of psychiatric dysfunctions including panic attacks, stress, anxiety, and undue agitations. Magnesium supplements considerably reduce the severity of such attacks and may also help in reducing the rate of recurrence.

Read Latest Breaking News from

You should note that refined grains are generally low in magnesium. When white flour is processed, the magnesium rich germ and bran are removed. Bread made from whole grain wheat flour provides more magnesium than bread made from white refined flour. Sprouted bread is your most flavorful and nutritious to choose! Tap water can be a source of magnesium, but the amount varies according to the water supply. Water that naturally contains more minerals is described as “hard”. “Hard” water usually contains more magnesium than “soft” water.

What are the risks of taking magnesium?

  • Side effects. Magnesium supplements can cause nausea, cramps, and diarrhea. Magnesium supplements often cause softening of stool.
  • Interactions. Magnesium supplements may not be safe for people who take diuretics, heart medicines, or antibiotics.
  • Risks. People with diabetes or intestinal disease shouldn’t take magnesium without checking with a doctor. People with heart disease or kidney disease should not take magnesium before speaking with their doctor.
  • Overdose. Signs of a magnesium overdose include nausea, diarrhea, low blood pressure, muscle weakness, and fatigue. At very high doses, it can be fatal.

List of Magnesium Rich Foods

Try to include as many foods rich in magnesium in your diet as possible. Below is a list of foods containing magnesium.

Foods High in Magnesium Serving Size Magnesium (mg)
Beans, black 1 cup 120
Broccoli, raw 1 cup 22
Halibut 1/2 fillet 170
Nuts, peanuts 1 oz 64
Okra, frozen 1 cup 94
Oysters 3 oz 49
Plantain, raw 1 medium 66
Rockfish 1 fillet 51
Scallop 6 large 55
Seeds, pumpkin and squash 1 oz (142 seeds) 151
Soy milk 1 cup 47
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 157
Tofu 1/4 block 37
Whole grain cereal, ready-to-eat 3/4 cup 24
Whole grain cereal, cooked 1 cup 56
Whole wheat bread 1 slice 24

USDA Nutrient Database for Standard References, Release 15 for Magnesium, Mg (mg)

Another great method of absorbing Magnesium is through the skin (transdermal). A mineral salt bath taken at a temperature that does not make you sweat so your body can absorb the mineral.

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Aug 232010

Better than Bleach: Use Calcium Hypochlorite to Disinfect Water

June 19th, 2010

This article was originally posted at Survival Topics

Many ourdoorsmen, survivalists, and households preparing for emergency disasters rely upon common household bleach as a disinfecting agent to make water safe to drink.

Bleach will destroy most (but NOT all!) disease causing organisms (boiling water to make it safe to drink is always the best method).

What is not well known is Calcium Hypochlorite is far better for chemically disinfecting water.

Old Way: Using Bleach to Disinfect Water

I cringe to think how many people have expired bleach in their disaster emergency kits that will be used for treating polluted water.

Those of us who have emergency preparedness stocks of survival food and survival gear often keep a gallon or two of unscented household bleach on hand for making safe drinking water in large quantities. Bleach is often the chemical of choice because it is commonly available and frequently mentioned when discussing the how-to’s of drinking water.

Typical fresh household chlorine bleach has about 5.35% chlorine content (be sure to read the label).

To use household bleach for disinfecting water:

  • Add two drops of bleach per quart or liter of water.
  • Stir it well.
  • Let the mixture stand for a half hour before drinking.

If the water is cloudy with suspended particles:

  • First filter the water as best you can.
  • Double the amount of bleach you add to the water.

Why Using Bleach to Disinfect Contaminated Water is a Problem

A little known problem with long term storage of bleach in your disaster emergency supply cache is that it degrades over time. Consulting a Chlorox bleach representative produced this statement:

“We recommend storing our bleach at room temperatures. It can be stored for about 6 months at temperatures between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. After this time, bleach will be begin to degrade at a rate of 20% each year until totally degraded to salt and water. Storing at temperatures much higher than 70 degrees Fahrenheit could cause the bleach to lose its effectiveness and degrade more rapidly. However, if you require 6% sodium hypochlorite, you should change your supply every 3 months.”

I cringe to think how many people have expired bleach in their disaster emergency kits that will be used for treating polluted water. Even what are considered reliable sources of information such as the EPA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA will show you how to use bleach to disinfect water but will leave out this exceedingly important piece of information.

This is why I created Survival Topics – to give you the real information you need to survive.

So if bleach is unreliable for long term storage in emergency preparedness kits then what other commonly available chemical methods of disinfecting water are there? As it turns out a better solution is easily available.

Use Calcium Hypochlorite to Disinfect Water

A 1-pound pag of calcium hypochlorite in granular form will treat up to 10,000 gallons of drinking water

Calcium hypochlorite is one of the best chemical disinfectants for water, better than household bleach by far. It destroys a variety of disease causing organisms including bacteria, yeast, fungus, spores, and viruses. Calcium Hypochlorite when mixed with water becomes #Hypochlorous Acid.

Calcium Hypochlorite is widely available for use as swimming pool chlorine tablets or white powder that is much more stable than chlorine. This is often known as “pool shock”.

How to Disinfect Water Using Calcium Hypochlorite

Using granular calcium hypochlorite to disinfect water is a two step process.

  • To make a stock of chlorine solution (do not drink this!) dissolve 1 heaping teaspoon (about one-quarter of an ounce) of high-test (78%) granular calcium hypochlorite for each two gallons (eight liters) of water.
  • To disinfect water add one part of the chlorine solution to 100 parts water to be treated.
  • Let the mixture sit for at least one-half hour before drinking.

 Be sure to obtain the dry granular calcium hypochlorite since once it is made into a liquid solution it will begin to degrade and eventually become useless as a disinfecting agent. This also means you should make your treated drinking water in small batches, for example enough for a few weeks at a time at most.

Another plus for using calcium hypochlorite to disinfect water for emergency use is that a little goes a very long way. A 1-pound pag of calcium hypochlorite in granular form typically costs only a few US dollars and can be obtained in any swimming pool supply section of your hardware store or online. This amount will treat up to 10,000 gallons of drinking water, which is enough for a family of four for some six or seven years at a gallon per day per person!

Calcium hypochlorite will store for a long period of time and remain effective as a chemical drinking water treatment. So get rid of the household bleach and buy a bag of Calcium hypochlorite for your disaster emergency water disinfection needs. It lasts far longer and treats far more water than the traditional chlorine bleach water disinfection treatment. Back to top

Aug 192010

Chlorine Dioxide – DMSO Treatment



FDA Disclaimer

This treatment has not been evaluated by the FDA and it never will be evaluated by the FDA for two reasons:
1) This treatment only costs about $50 and it requires many, many, many millions of dollars to get a treatment approved by the FDA, and
2) The FDA does not research cancer treatments.


This alternative cancer treatment, by itself, has been shown to be very effective against melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma. It should also be highly effective against uterine cancer since uterine cancer also spreads via microbes (e.g. “seeds”) and uterine cancer is also highly associated with microbes (though uterine cancer is also associated with root canals).

It should also be highly effective against AIDS. As a minimum it will help keep AIDS in check.

For other types of cancers its effectiveness has not yet been determined. However, because melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma include stationary cancer cells, and because this treatment is effective for these two types of cancer, it is expected that this treatment will be effective on other kinds of cancer.

This treatments has two major advantages over many other alternative cancer treatments:
1) This treatment was designed to revert cancer cells into normal cells, meaning if it is used properly it will not cause any type of swelling or inflammation, and
2) This treatment can be taken completely transdermally, meaning through the skin. This means those on a feeding tube or I.V. can use this treatment.

Critical Warnings


Do NOT Use This Treatment With Prescription Drugs

The DMSO in this treatment may enhance the effectiveness of prescription drugs, thus the cancer patient may effectively overdose on their prescription drugs. Use this treatment with prescription drugs with caution and close observation.

Warning For Women Who Are, or Who Might Be, or Who Might Become Pregnant

Women who are pregnant, might be pregnant, might become pregnant, or are nursing, should NOT take this treatment. The affect on an unborn fetus could be fatal to the fetus due to the high doses of chlorine dioxide in this treatment combined with the extremely low weight of the fetus!! In addition, fetus have many undifferentiated cells and this treatment will TARGET cancer cells, which are also undifferentiated!! Thus, this treatment may inadvertantly target undifferentiated fetal cells!!!!



This treatment is not designed to shrink tumors, so if any tumors are in dangerous locations (such as they are pressing on the bile duct) do not use this treatment. use one of the treatments which shrinks tumors, such as the Cellect-Budwig protocol.

Also, if the patient has swelling in their brain, or any other dangerous condition, seek medical help immediately.


Cancer Theory Section


What Causes Cancer?

What causes cancer? Most people believe that it is DNA damage that causes cancer. While in rare situations, DNA can have a negative affect on a person’s immune system, DNA normally has absolutely nothing to do with the development of cancer.

The fact is that cancer is caused by a special type of microbe which gets inside of normal cells and turns the cells cancerous.

Actually, everyone has cancer cells forming in their body at all times. The immune system generally safely kills them. Thus, a weakened immune system, and many other things, can allow cancer cells to overcome the immune system. But the actual formation of cancer cells is exclusively caused by microbes which get inside of normal cells.

Dr. Royal Rife did an enormous amount of research into the relationship between microbes and cancer in the 1930s. He would inject mice with a virus and in 100% of the cases the mice would get cancer.

Dr. Rife proposed a cure for cancer which did nothing but kill these viruses. His cure was 100% successful. However, note that his cure had no intention of killing cancer cells or fixing DNA (which had not been discovered in the 1930s); its only goal was to kill microbes in the body. Once the microbes were dead the cancer cells were able to revert back into normal, differentiated cells.

It is very doubtful that Dr. Rife knew that the critial microbes which needed to be killed were inside the cancer cells, but electromedicine will kill microbes inside or outside of cancer cells.

But almost all natural substances do not normally get inside of cells, thus it is almost impossible for natural substances to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells. Natural substances can kill cancer cells and build the immune system, but they generally cannot kill microbes inside the cancer cells.

A detailed discussion of how microbes cause cancer can be found in another article. The cancer theory article also discusses the four different categories of treatments which can cure cancer. See this article:
The Theory of Cancer

You may have noted in the article just linked to that as long as microbe(s) are inside cancer cells, the cell is unable to revert into a normal cell.

The purpose of this treatment is to deal with cancer in two different ways:
1) By using DMSO as a “carrier” to get chlorine dioxide inside the cancer cells, the intent is to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells,
2) By using chlorine dioxide, all microbes in the bloodstream will be killed (technically: attenuated).

Because the immune system communicates using electrical signals, and because microbes emit electrical signals which interfere with the immune system communications, by getting rid of microbes in the bloodstream the immune sytem will be supercharged (this was the entire basis of using the Bob Beck Protocol for cancer).


What Is DMSO?

This treatment includes DMSO, which is technically called: dimethyl sulfoxide. DMSO is a purely natural product from the wood industry. Many, many millions of people have used DMSO around the world. Not one person has died from its use.

However, many people have difficulties working with DMSO. In some cases there is a skin rash which is simply too severe to continue the treatment. When you get your bottle of DMSO put one drop on your skin, spread it around a little bit and see if you have an allergic reaction (i.e. severe rash). If not, an hour later put 10 drops on your skin and spread it thin. If you do not have a reaction, go ahead with the treatment.

If you want to know more about DMSO, see this website:

The Importance of the DMSO

This treatment uses DMSO and chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide will be discussed below, but the big picture is that chlorine dioxide kills microbes and DMSO “carries” the chlorine dioxide inside of cancer cells.

The theory behind adding the DMSO is that the DMSO will bind to the chlorine dioxide (which is a known fact); then allow the DMSO to carry the chlorine dioxide through the skin (which is a known fact); then, once inside the skin, allow the chlorine dioxide / DMSO molecules to target the cancer cells (which DMSO is known to do); then the DMSO will drag the chlorine dixoide into the cancer cells (which DMSO is known to do); and then once inside the cancer cells the chlorine dioxide should kill the microbes inside the cancer cells (this is the only part that is speculative, but it is reasonable because chlorine dioxide works by chemical actions, not physical actions).

If you kill the microbe(s) inside the cancer cells, the cells will revert back to being normal cells without any type of debris from dead cancer cells. Thus, there is no swelling or inflammation. In fact, DMSO is known to help reduce swelling and inflammation.

But regardless of how many cancer cells it reverts into normal cells, what is known is that DMSO with chlorine dioxide will kill any microbes in the blood and thus will help build the immune system. Furthermore, by purely chemical means it will build the immune system in other ways.


What Is Chlorine Dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide has been studied by scientists for many years and has been mentioned in many scientific journals. However, it was Jim Humble who brought chlorine dioxide to the forefront of alternative medicine.

Jim used 15 drops of chlorine dioxide, followed one hour later by another 15 drops, to cure malaria. AIDS/HIV can also be cured with chlorine dioxide, though the administration of chlorine dioxide for AIDS uses injections. However, this article describes a very good AIDS treatment which may be just as effective as injections.

Another thing Jim Humble discovered is that chlorine dioxide can be made at home by mixing stabilized oxygen (also known as: sodium chlorite) with an “activator.” It is the “activator” which converts the sodium chlorite into chlorine dioxide.

Normal stabilized oxygen (e.g. Vitamin O, Aerobic O7 or Aerobic KO7) is usually between 3% and 7% sodium chlorite. This is NOT the same thing as table salt, which is sodium chloride.

Stabilized oxygen (i.e. sodium chlorite) has been used in alternative medicine for several decades. It is used primarily to prevent viral infections, such as colds and the flu, and to treat allergies.

The Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is 28% sodium chlorite. The reason for this mixture is so that it will react more readily to the “activator” to make chlorine dioxide.

Vendors may sell bottles which recommend adding MMS to some form of vinegar. This is old technology. DO NOT USE VINEGAR WITH MMS!!! Vinegar can actually feed yeast infections.

The three things you can mix with MMS are (these are the three activators):
1) fresh squeezed lemon juice, which you squeeze yourself (filter out the particles),
2) fresh squeezed lime juice, which you squeeze yourself (filter out the particles), or
3) 10% citric acid (in liquid form)

Any of these three items will chemically react to the sodium chlorite to create chlorine dioxide. The liquid citric acid is the preferred item to mix with MMS. Liquid citric acid can be purchased over the Internet in liquid form or powdered form. If purchased in powdered form, it must be converted to liquid form before use. MMS should always be purchased from the vendor of MMS. MMS vendors have high turnover of citric acid, thus the product is always fresh.

10% citric acid, in liquid form, mixes better with sodium chlorite than lemon juice or lime juice. When using chlorine dioxide transdermally, meaning through the skin, 10% citric acid also penetrates the skin better than lemon juice or lime juice.

The things you should NOT mix with sodium chlorite are just as important as the things you should mix with it. For example, do NOT use any type of bottled lemon juice, such as ReaLemon, as it may have vitamin C added as a preservative.

The bottom line is to always use 10% citric acid, purchased from a vendor of MMS, or if you cannot get that, then use fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice (which you squeezed yourself). Nothing else is acceptable as an activator.

Also note the Miracle Mineral Supplement bottle should NOT be exposed directly to sunlight.

While you can buy chlorine dioxide over the internet, this website recommends that you make it yourself at home. You should make it at home and use it within two hours.

For more information about chlorine dioxide, see:

Items That Can Neutralize Chlorine Dioxide

This treatment can easily be neutralized by Vitamin C, immune builders, Protocel, Cantron, and other antioxidants. Because it is so sensitive to other substances, this treatment should generally be used by itself. Even Cellect includes immune builders, which can neutralize this treatment.

What this means is that if you want to use two alternative cancer treatments, this being one of them, in many cases the two protocols will have to be alternated (e.g. 10 days on one protocol, 10 days on the other protocol; and continue alternating the treatments every 10 days).

The following information from the Bill Henderson Newsletter will clarify these points:

  • They had started with just 2 drops of the MMS and worked up to a dose of 15 drops, twice a day. for ten days. There was no noticeable effect — no nausea, no diarrhea — nothing. They were aware of the effect of Vitamin C on the MMS, so they had moved the Heart Plus and Daily Advantage to later in the day.They did some research, though, and found that the Beta 1,3D Glucan immune stimulant is a strong anti-oxidant also. They were taking it at roughly the same time as the MMS. As soon as they stopped taking the Beta Glucan for a couple of days, the MMS had an immediate effect — diarrhea, cleansing — the whole thing.
    (Chemist) I am a chemist who bought your (previous edition) book and am receiving your e-newsletter (and I have cancer). I am not surprised to finally read in letter #114 that anti-oxidants ‘kill’ MMS. They should. And that’s what I have been telling a friend of mine who has lung cancer. However, anti-oxidants stay in the body for more than three hours. Ideally, if you have enough protection, you should have a more or less permanent steady state of them. The beta-glucan instance, where the people waited three DAYS, certainly suggests this also. I am not sure what the solution to the problem is, but if I were taking MMS (and I intend to) I would stop all anti-oxidants for a while to let the MMS work unhindered.”
    (Bill Henderson) As I mentioned in my last newsletter, the MMS is still in an experimental stage. I would certainly heed Robert Peterson’s advice. At least try discontinuing your use of the Beta Glucan, the Heart Plus and the Daily Advantage for a couple of weeks while you take the MMS. You need to be the judge of whether it is working for you. If you experience the normal MMS diarrhea after you stop the anti-oxidants, then it is probably working for you. This should not continue for long (a day or so). Then, you should begin to have normal bowel movements with no constipation.
    Bill Henderson Newsletter

In other words, do NOT use the chlorine dixoide protocol at the same time as any substance which has Vitamin C, or any other antioxidant, including immune builders. Wait at least a couple of days after discontinuing these treatments before starting the chlorine dioxide treatment.

Taking Chlorine Dixoide: Oral or Transdermal?

As the above quotes suggest, Vitamin C, other antioxidants and immune builders, should not be taken during the same time periods as MMS/Chlorine Dioxide. This is good advice.

However, the quotes above also indicate that diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc. are part of this treatment. This is true only if you take this treatment orally. It is the stomach which is causing these side-effects. If you take this treatment transdermally, meaning through the skin; the stomach, and the side-effects, can be totally avoided.

While most websites on chlorine dioxide suggest taking it orally, this website strongly suggests you take it transdermally. The only side-effect of taking this treatment transdermally, if you do it right, are possible slight burnings on the skin. This can be controlled by rotating where you rub it on your skin, spreading it very thin over a wide area of skin and by using skin creams to stop the burning, as long as the skin creams do NOT contain any antioxidants.

Skin creams should NOT be used for at least 15 minutes AFTER the administration of the DMSO.

But a more important advantage of taking it transdermally is that with transdermal applications, higher doses can be taken, and the high doses can be achieved much more quickly.

Patients with lyme disease, for example, may never be able to achieve doses higher than 1/2 drop (of MMS) if they use the treatment orally. But this is because of the stomach, not the body or the blood. By taking it transdermally, all stomach side-effects can be avoided and normal and even high doses can be achieved easily.

The use of DMSO for cancer patients is critical. Chlorine dioxide, by itself, will not get inside of cancer cells. The main reason for adding DMSO is because DMSO will “open up” cancer cells so chlorine dioxide CAN get inside of cancer cells. It is inside the cancer cells where chlorine dioxide is able to revert cancer cells into normal cells.

If you insist on taking chlorine dioxide orally, use DMSO a half-hour BEFORE taking the chlorine dioxide. Here is the oral use of chlorine dioxide article:
Chlorine Dioxide – Orally

More Information About Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is a molecule which is new in the fight against infections and cancer. It is particularly effective against cancers which are commonly associated with microbes. This includes melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma (both of these cancers spread via microbes), breast cancer (which is almost always associated with infections), cancers associated with yeast infections (e.g. uterine cancer), etc. In fact, chlorine dioxide by itself has cured advanced cases of melanoma. Adding the DMSO adds to its effectiveness in treating cancer.

Another advantage to taking chlorine dioxide transdermally is that for those with cancer, lyme disease, or other diseases where the disease has a localized presence, the chlorine dioxide can be taken through the skin right above the location of the disease.

For skin cancers, the chlorine dioxide may not be able to be put directly on the cancer. It depends on whether it is too painful. If it is not too painful, then put the mixture directly onto the skin cancer. If it is too painful, and if you are treating skin cancer, go to the home page of Cancer Tutor and search for “skin cancer” for other treatments.

Miracle Mineral Supplement Information: eBook 1 (free) and eBook 2 (About $10):

Important Comments

It should be remembered from the Stage IV” article (Stage IV article) that killing cancer cells is only half the battle with cancer. Protecting and strengthening the non-cancerous cells is just as important.

Thus, during this treatment, it is essential that the cancer patient be on a strong “cancer diet,” meaning an “anti-cancer” diet.

For example, as with all “cancer diets,” AVOID: sugar, refined flour, animal proteins, etc. during this treatment, as these things, and many other foods, feed cancer cells.


Ingredients Needed to Make a Batch of Chlorine Dioxide / DMSO

The ingredients in the protocol consist of:
1) MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement – 28% sodium chlorite) – at least 4 bottles,
2) 10% citric acid (may come in powdered or pre-mixed liquid form),
3) DMSO – two 8 ounce bottles,
4) High quality skin cream which does NOT contain any added antioxidants

To buy MMS and 10% citric acid, here are two different vendor product lines:
Global Light Network
H2O Air Water America

There are many other vendors of MMS if you wish to use Google. Whatever vendor you choose make sure the package also comes with a form of citric acid.

DMSO usually comes in the form of 99.9% pure DMSO, mixed with 30% water. This makes a 70/30 ratio. Do NOT use DMSO with less than 30% water. Also, DO NOT use a DMSO gel or DMSO cream. These will not bind to chlorine dioxide!!!

Here is one of many vendors of DMSO on the Internet where you can obtain liquid DMSO:

Note: Because MMS is sold as a “water purifier” and because DMSO is sold as a “solvent” (due to potential FDA persecution) most health food stores are reluctant to sell these products.


How to Make a Batch of the: DMSO / Chlorine Dioxide Mixture

How and when to take a batch of the DMSO / chlorine dioxide mixture will be discussed in a moment, but first, we need to understand how to make a batch.

READ THIS SECTION SEVERAL TIMES to make sure you aren’t missing anything. Especially read it AFTER making one or two batches!! You would also be smart to have a second person look at the instructions to make sure you both agree on how to make a batch.

Step 1: Measuring the MMS

Using the dropper on the lid on the bottle of MMS, put exactly 15 drops of MMS in a small bowl.

If you weigh between 110 pounds and 130 pounds, use 12 drops instead of 15 drops. IF you weigh 110 pounds or less, use 9 drops instead of 15 drops.

At this point you should ADD the correct number of drops of MMS to a small bowl.

Step 2: Measuring the Volume of the Activator

The “activator” will either be citric acid or lemon juice or lime juice. Each will now be discussed.

If the citric acid comes in powdered form, you need to mix it with distilled water before using it. Here is the formula for what to put in the empty bottle:
1) Put 2 TEAspoons of the citric acid powder in the bottle,
2) ADD 3 ounces (i.e. 6 TABLEspoons) of water to the bottle (preferrably distilled water or reverse osmosis water).

Note: If the vendor’s instructions are different than the above instructions, use the vendor’s formula.

This will fill about 3/4 of the blue or brown bottle. This formula has the correct 10% citric acid mixture. Use doses for the activator using the blue or brown bottle.

Lemon Juice or Lime Juice
If you use lemon juice or lime juice as the activator, make sure you filter out all particles using a common kitchen strainer.

The Volume of the Activator
Regardless of your weight, add One TEAspoon of the “activator” (e.g. 10% citric acid) to the MMS.

At this point you should ADD the correct volume of the activator (citric acid, lemon juice or lime juice) to the MMS you already put in the small bowl.

Step 3: Your FIRST Wait of 3 Minutes

AFTER MIXING the MMS (i.e. sodium chlorite) with the activator, stir the mixture, then let it sit for 3 minutes, stirring the mixture every 30 seconds. This three minute wait creates the chlorine dioxide.

Step 4: Measuring the DMSO

AFTER the 3 minutes needed to make chlorine dioxide, add the liquid DMSO to the mixture.

In the same small bowl add 1 and 1/4 TEAspoons of DMSO. In other words, this is added to the chlorine dioxide you made above regardless of your weight.

Step 5: Your SECOND Wait of 3 Minutes

After ADDING the DMSO to the chlorine dioxide you need to mix the mixture, then wait an additional 3 minutes, stirring the mixture every 30 seconds.

This is the SECOND TIME you have waited 3 minutes. This time you are waiting for the DMSO to bind to the chlorine dioxide.

After this second wait of 3 minutes you have a mixture which is defined to be “One Batch” of Chlorine Dioxide / DMSO.


Summary of Making the Batch

The steps above can be summarized thusly:

1) Put 15 drops (or 12 drops or 9 drops) of MMS in a small bowl,
2) Add ONE TEAspoon of the “activator” (citric acid, lemon juice or lime juice),
3) WAIT 3 minutes (stir at first and every 30 seconds) to make the chlorine dioxide,
4) Add 1-1/4 TEAspoons of DMSO,
5) WAIT an additional 3 minutes (stir at first and every 30 seconds) for the DMSO to bind to the chlorine dioxide.

You have now made one batch of: DMSO / Chlorine Dioxide!!

Putting DMSO / Chlorine on the Skin (Transdermal)

Now you can rub the mixture onto your skin. Spead the mixture so that it is thin on your skin. This way it will penetrate faster and will create less of a skin rash. It should be spread very thinly, over a wide area of skin. This will create less of a rash.

It should be mentioned that latex gloves, rubber gloves or any other kind of gloves should NOT be used to spread any mixture containing DMSO. The DMSO can pull the materials in these gloves through the skin. Always use bare hands to spread the mixture, no matter who is spreading the mixture.

NO sooner than 15 minutes after spreading the mixture a skin cream, which has no antioxdants, can be used.

The Second Time in the Same Day

If you are using the DMSO mixture transdermally TWICE a day, use a different spot of skin the second time you make the mixture. For example, if you used the left and right arm to spread the mixture the first time, then use the left thigh and right thigh the second time you spread this mixture on your skin.

By doing this, no spot of your skin will be used more than once per day. This gives your skin an entire day to recover.

NO sooner than 15 minutes after spreading the mixture a skin cream, which has no antioxdants, can be used.


When To Take the: DMSO/Chlorine Dioxide Mixture

The Chlorine Dioxide / DMSO protocol should be taken twice a day. The doses should be taken 12 hours apart or as close to 12 hours apart as possible.

For example, a person may take one batch at 8:00 AM (i.e. 0800) and another batch at 8:00 PM (i.e. 2000).

Each “dose” of the mixture should be taken one-half hour after a pure dose of 2 TEAspoons of DMSO.

So, for example, suppose you are taking the morning batch:
1) At 8:00 AM take 2 TEAspoons of DMSO
2) At 8:30 AM take the DMSO/chlorine dioxide mixture

Then, for the evening dose:
1) At 8:00 PM take 2 TEAspoons of DMSO
2) At 8:30 PM take the DMSO/chlorine dioxide mixture

Because the DMSO may cause bad breath, if a person has to leave their house during the day, they may want to use breath mints. If a second person spreads the DMSO on the skin of the patient, they will also have bad breath and will not be able to notice the breath of the cancer patient.

About the Morning Dose

Melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and uterine cancer patients do not need to use any DMSO during the morning dose, if and only if they can take the chlorine dioxide orally. The reason is that the key to treating these kinds of cancer is two-fold:
1) Stop the spreading of cancer,
2) Kill or revert stationary cancer cells.

The morning dose, even without DMSO, will stop the spread of the cancer (in fact, that is why the doses are 12 hours apart) because these cancer spread via microbes in the bloodstream. The evening dose will help handle both of the goals.

For ALL OTHER types of cancer, the DMSO in the morning and evening is required. It is the DMSO that gets the chlorine dioxide inside the cancer cells.



Please Support Alternative Cancer Research:

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Aug 152010


David Katz, M.D.


Dr. Katz is the Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center


Understanding the Physics of Weight Loss


I recently addressed the reason why weight loss drugs have historically fared quite badly, and in my view are likely to do so for the foreseeable future. Weight gain is normal when calories in exceed calories out on a daily basis. You cannot medicate away normal human physiology — any more than you give a fish a pill to let it breathe out of water.

Now, I would like to pick up the tale where I left off. Because there is more to the story of human weight gain than calories in versus calories out, as not a few of you have stressed in your comments and correspondence. Fundamentally, we are all a lot alike, but also quite a bit different.

The ways we are alike are what I have emphasized so far. It is, indeed, normal for the human body — any human body — to turn surplus calories first into glycogen (a small carbohydrate energy reserve) and then into fat (a much larger potential energy reserve).

And we are all governed by the prevailing laws of physics that relate matter and energy. Calories are a measure of energy, and matter cannot be created without energy input. Arguments against the fundamental role of energy balance in weight regulation — against calories in versus calories out — are arguments with Isaac Newton. Folks, nobody wins an argument with Isaac Newton!

And yet, I believe the innumerable patients I’ve had over the years who tell me something doesn’t quite add up for them. I believe them when they tell me they eat and exercise the same amount as someone else — but they get fat, while the other person stays slim. Or, worse still, that happens even though they eat less, and exercise more. If they are telling the truth- and I am thoroughly convinced they are- doesn’t it mean Newton had it wrong?

Nothing of the sort. All it means is that we are different, as well as alike.

While it is true for all of us that weight control is overwhelmingly, if not entirely, about calories in versus calories out, it is equally true that the number of calories required for weight loss, weight maintenance and weight gain vary drastically among us. And we even know why, for the most part.

There are, once we are done growing up, three ways we burn calories: physical activity, the generation of heat and just existing. There are technical terms for the second and third: thermogenesis, and resting energy expenditure (sometimes referred to as basal metabolic rate). What should be noteworthy right away is that you are not in charge of two out of the three!

You can choose how much exercise to do. But you don’t get to choose how thermogenic you tend to be, and that can matter quite a lot. Like exercise, thermogenesis accounts for roughly 15 percent of total energy expenditure on average, but there is lots of variation on the theme of average. People who generate more heat from calories have fewer available with which to make fat. They tend to be people who can eat a bit more, and stay thin anyway.

But that’s a drop in the bucket compared to resting energy expenditure. Roughly 65 percent of calories are burned to support the fundamental workings of cells and organs that keep us alive. The number of calories burned at rest, and the actual percentage of total calories burned this way, also vary substantially around the average. People with a high resting energy expenditure are, in our modern world of epidemic obesity, the fortunate few most people love to hate: the folks who cannot seem to get enough to eat, and can’t put weight on when they try.

If you don’t control your thermogenic tendencies, nor your resting energy expenditure — who does? The idiosyncrasies of the genetic hand you were dealt, which are not necessarily idiosyncratic at all.

Take the case of the Pima Indians, for instance.

When the Pimas live a traditional lifestyle and eat traditional Pima foods — mesquite and tepary beans, for example — they have unremarkable health. When they live and eat like everyone else in America, they develop almost universal, severe obesity and diabetes. For a time, the Pimas had the highest rates of obesity and diabetes on the planet, and they are still, alas, contenders for those laurels.

The dire plight of the Pimas resulted in intensive study of them, and it led to both revelations, and the obvious. The Pimas have, uniformly, a very low resting energy expenditure. They are, in other words, highly fuel efficient — even for a fuel efficient species — and it makes perfect sense. The Pimas lived for generations in a harsh desert climate where food was unusually scarce, and physical activity demands unusually high. Pimas who were not highly fuel efficient simply didn’t survive long enough to pass on their disadvantage to any future generation of Pimas. (People who don’t live to make babies make very poor ancestors.)

Presumably, the variations in metabolic efficiency to which we are all subject can also be traced to variations in the experiences of our ancestors. But for most of us, the magnitude of genetic mixing that has gone on makes those pathways impossible to follow.

So we wind up feeling — those among us who gain weight easily and lose it with extreme difficulty, if at all — that we are enigmas, outcasts, anomalies. We feel that the claim that we can eat less, exercise more, and weigh more nonetheless falls on unsympathetic ears.

Mine are not such ears. I hear you, and I believe you. It is about calories in versus calories out, but the calories required to reach or exceed a personal threshold vary widely, and under influences we neither choose nor control. That isn’t fair, but who ever promised it would be?

As a practical response to this, I am considering the establishment of a national exchange for the weight loss resistant, so these stories come together and reach a critical volume. I would also like to use it as a means of troubleshooting the problem; many heads will be better than any one. Let me know via email if you would like to join us.

In the interim, I remain unwilling to refute Sir Isaac. But that we are, despite being much the same, quite a bit different — I fully appreciate. I bet Newton would agree; I hope everyone does. Back to top

Dr. David L. Katz;

Jul 102010

Introducing Miracle Mineral Solution Two

by Jim Humble, August 15, 2009 



A new Miracle Mineral is being introduced here. It should have all the fanfare of one of the most important medicines that has ever been introduced to mankind. Unfortunately we inventors, as opposed to multibillion dollar research organizations, never have the money for fanfare. We’re lucky to scrape together 50 cents to buy an envelope to mail the concept back to ourselves for a cheap inventor’s patent protection. So here it is – the announcement of a new miracle mineral – but without much fanfare.

Hypochlorous acid is an acid that the human immune system uses to kill pathogens of all kinds throughout the body, and many other things that sometimes need to be destroyed. For example when killer cells get old and worn out they turn against the body; the immune system recognizes the problem and proceeds to destroy the worn-out cells with hypochlorous acid.

This acid is probably the most important acid the body makes to maintain health. I think that qualifies it to be considered natural. It is a naturally produced acid because the body’s immune system makes it. It’s not manufactured in a chemical plant somewhere. The fact is, hypochlorous acid will kill most pathogens in the body – even the powerful malaria parasite if enough of the acid is present.

However, for whatever reason, Mother Nature did not provide the human body with the means to generate enough hypochlorous acid to kill all the diseases that might enter the body. Maybe making the acid is just too complex to generate large quantities of it that are now required to destroy the powerful “incurable” diseases that have come to be on this planet. In a more perfect world not much of the acid would be needed.

Suppose you were a medical researcher 80 years ago and you were interested in overcoming diseases in the human body, and you were aware of this data – that hypochlorous acid kills disease pathogens. Well, the fact is, this data was known 80 years ago. Don’t you think you would have spent a little bit of time on the idea of how to supply the body with a little more hypochlorous acid? The body has been using hypochlorous acid to kill disease germs for a million years.

Isn’t that a logical idea – that a medical researcher attempting to find cures for diseases, would at least try giving the body a little bit more hypochlorous acid when germs or disease threaten? Well I think it’s logical and if medical researchers were attempting to find “cures” for people instead of making costly drugs that keep people back, they would have found this hypochlorous acid miracle cure and many other such cures – long ago.

So any way, the goal here is to describe Miracle Mineral Number Two. It is so far beyond any known medical drug that there is simply no comparison. You can’t compare it with medical drugs as they are not intended to overcome or cure diseases. This MMS2 kills pathogens and actually aids healing. So what is it? As far as an antibiotic is concerned, it kills pathogens instantly by blowing a hole in the skin. It’s not like medical antibiotics which can take from hours to weeks to penetrate the skin of a pathogen, slowly destroying the nucleus or something in the nucleus – if the pathogen hasn’t developed resistance. But with MMS2, pathogens that cause diseases of all kinds cannot develop a resistance to hypochlorous acid. The body chose well when it developed the ability to generate hypochlorous acid. Down through the centuries no pathogen has ever developed a resistance to it.

And maybe, just maybe Mother Nature chose well when she made the various deadly diseases, because even though some of them are anaerobic and some are aerobic, none of them are resistant to MMS1 or MMS2 or the combination of 1 and 2. Isn’t that kind of strange? Of course we don’t have the money for research in this area, but many thousands of people have called me or emailed me representing hundreds of different diseases that have been handled with both of these Miracle Minerals.

So what is it that turns into hypochlorous acid that your body can use? Well, there happens to be a very cheap simple chemical that actually turns into this acid. Your body then can take that acid and use it throughout the body. I’ve been using it for 4 years personally. My clinic and group of people in Mexico have been using it for more than a year with many people. I was at first sending it out to people mostly with prostate cancer, but we then started using it on many things including HIV.

What we found out recently is that MMS (now called MMS1) when given to HIV people generally cures all of their health problems associated with the HIV, but it does not cure the HIV in some cases. It is more valuable than the HIV drugs for treating HIV, but it doesn’t kill the HIV virus always, just sometimes.

So enter MMS2. When taken with MMS1, the two together have produced negative blood test readings (basically that means cured) in quite a few HIV cases so far. In fact, all of the cases receiving both MMS1 and 2 have checked negative (free from HIV). We don’t have thousands of cases so far and we will produce the necessary case studies when the Foundation and Institute for Advanced MMS Studies is funded. But just to give you an idea, continuously for three weeks, the protocol for HIV has been: three activated drops of MMS1 each hour for at least 8 hours during the day, plus one size zero capsule of MMS2 taken every two hours for eight hours per day – all done , then we submit blood to the testing lab. Oh yes, at first drink 2 glasses of water with the MMS2 capsule and then always one full glass of water thereafter with each capsule.

Never make yourself sick, always reduce your intake of both MMS1 and 2 if you notice it is making you more sick than you already are. We have also had some fantastic results with cancers using MMS2. Also for the new flu now going around, use this same protocol for this flu, but not for three weeks, do it until well. Some people will be well in 8 hours and some will take a week or two. Be especially careful to reduce all the way to zero if it seems that the MMS is making you feel worse. But start again very soon.

If you feel worse, that’s caused by killing the disease so rapidly that it generates too much poison too fast. Go slower. If you don’t have MMS1 still use MMS2. I have seen enough people cured of enough diseases to believe that if you only have MMS2 it will do the job. Use it in a capsule once an hour. Increase the amount if you can, decrease if you feel worse. You can use it with any medication. The medication does not hurt MMS2 and MMS2 doesn’t harm the medication.

Do you see? We should now have such a fantastic medical system that there would at this time be no such thing as disease and very little bad health if our medical system had been controlled by ethical people trying to cure diseases rather than make money.

MMS1 and MMS2 is just a drop in the bucket. Although I believe that MMS1 coupled with MMS2 will cure most of the diseases of mankind, I believe that hundreds of miracle minerals will come that will change the understanding of medicine. In the future no drug will ever be made from poisonous substances that all medical drugs are made from now. MMS1 and MMS2 are not poisonous to the body and they do no damage in the body.

OK, so what is MMS2? What chemical turns to hypochlorous acid in the body? Hold on to your hat. It’s a special type of swimming —– pool —– chlorine. Well, that’s what everybody calls it – swimming pool chlorine. BUT it is really not chlorine. It’s a special agent that is used to “shock” the pool, called CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE. 


That’s right, when it is put into pool water it instantly changes into hypochlorous acid. It’s not the same as chlorine in water. Not at all. Other chemicals change into chlorine, but not calcium hypochlorite. It changes into HOCl (that’s the chemical formula for hypochlorous acid). It is a combination of hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine. Like table salt it also has chlorine in it, but it reacts far differently than chlorine. MMS1 and MMS2 are made from two of the cheapest mineral substances that we have. MMS1 will cure malaria, the worst disease of mankind, in about 10 hours and for less than 5 cents. MMS2 is similar in cost if not cheaper.

My friend Bill Boynton, who helped me with the chemistry of MMS1 also suggested pool chlorine to me back in 2003. I wondered why the pool chlorine might be beneficial. He and I were using it before we knew what it was. So a bit of simple research turned up the fact that it was hypochlorous acid. Doctors in medical school learn all about hypochlorous acid in their schooling because it is a critical component produced and used by the immune system.

So you see it wasn’t because I was all that smart; it was just that I was looking for opportunities without worrying if I was fitting into a medical groove or not.

Now, let’s look at how we used it. Keep in mind that anything I say here I do not suggest that you go and do. Anything that you do is strictly on your own. I cannot suggest medical things to you. This is simply what we did. Also the “we” that I talk about here is not the same as my friend Bill that I mention above. I do not mention names here to protect the innocent and to keep my friends out of harm’s way. Later when I write my book for posterity I will name all those who helped me and worked with me, however for now, I feel it is best that I don’t.

First, a friend in Canada mentioned in an email that he had a friend who had prostate cancer. I said why not try hypochlorite. He said he would ask his friend and to make a long story short I sent him an envelope of 50 size zero gel capsules stuffed with calcium hypochlorite from a local pool store. (The supply in pool stores is anywhere from 45% calcium hypochlorite to 85%. Most is around 75%. I have used it all from 45% to 55% to 65% to 75% to 80%.

There are always other chemicals in the mixture. The other chemicals are all designed for use in pools so they are not poisonous and most of them are used in foods or processing foods. You only take a tiny bit of the white powder in a size zero capsule and thus you never get more than the recommended daily dose of any of these chemicals. Anyway he took the 50 capsules at about 4 a day and called me up and said that he felt much better but did I have some more as he still wasn’t well. So I sent him 50 more and he finally got back to me saying his prostate cancer was all gone.

So Bill and I sent it out to various people with prostate problems and prostate cancer. When we got word back they all said they felt better or that the problem was completely gone. (These are the ones that got back to me, and only because I begged them. Mostly people don’t get back to us unless they still need more.) I found out that most people who are feeling good won’t go back to a doctor so too often I have to take their word that they are OK.

So there you have MMS2. It is effective for many things and very effective for healing wounds and other skin problems. It aids MMS1 to kill most all so called incurable diseases and it may be as good as MMS1. It kills the pathogens and germs on a wound without doing damage to the broken tissues. Just empty a zero size capsule in a quarter glass of water and use that on the wound. Alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and all other disinfectants all do a certain amount of damage to the wound causing increased healing time to the damaged cells, but MMS2 kills the pathogens and does no damage and thus the healing is much faster. There is research about this wound healing factor on the Internet. You can look it up. I hesitate to say more because of copyrights.

I realize, of course, that much more research is needed and I should have done most of that research already, but as you know I have to plead lack of millions of dollars for that research until the Foundation is funded.  [ Click Here to visit the Foundation Site ] . I decided that I must release the information as the urgency became greater and greater in my own mind. I can’t afford, Earth can’t afford for me to wait any longer. As it is I have waited 9 months longer than I should, than safety for the data would allow.

Yesterday if the bad guys had taken me to prison or “horizontalized” me, chances are this data would never be known to Earth’s people. Now today as of this date this data is released on the Internet. The bad guys will never be able to totally suppress this information. It will always be somewhere and it will eventually become known. Shooting me won’t stop it. They might slow it down a lot, but never stop it.

And in keeping with my policy written in my MMS book at I cannot allow this data to be owned by any one individual or group. Like MMS1 it is too important for that. If owned by any one group there would always be those who are left out of the loop. Anyone or everyone can make up MMS2, use it, or sell it, or distribute it for free or whatever.

So this paper has the same copyright as my book exactly. Because of space I won’t quote it completely, but it makes this paper public domain in case of my death or incarceration.

MMS2 is in some ways like gravity. You know it works just by learning the information. Research is not needed to prove that. It’s like gravity and dropping an orange. You open your fingers and the orange drops towards the Earth. You don’t need research to prove it. You might drop an orange once or twice, but it’s obvious. Well MMS2 is the same way for many things.

Chemically it is obvious that hypochlorous acid can kill pathogens as that has already been proven. By the time you have finished studying the data it will be totally obvious what this acid can do. Many nay-sayers are going to find it a little bit more difficult to spread negative information about MMS2.

The negative blog writers, none of them, have any idea what they’re chattering about with MMS1. MMS2 will be a lot more available to everyone who chooses to experiment with it, and believe it or not, it is already available in most countries of Africa, all cities of the US, Canada, Europe, and around the world. It is so available that it couldn’t possibly be suppressed throughout the world.
There’s just one more point that I would like to make. I have been criticized quite often that I am not specific enough about my data, suggesting I should give details and furnish names and numbers and blood reports of those who have been cured. That would be nice if I could do that. But sorry, that isn’t possible. Do you see? I would be furnishing the evidence to put me in prison. Authorities in many countries would like to do that.

Wouldn’t it be nice for them if I would just say, here guys use this evidence to lock me up. Over the last 100 years more than 100 people have been put in prison and their books burned in the US alone, and some have been killed mysteriously – and many more than that throughout the world.

If you doubt this, just go to “FDA suppression” in Google. Several of my friends have spent time in prison in the US with their business, home, car, bank account, and property all confiscated and never returned in just the last few years. You think I am exaggerating? Well go on the Internet and look up the “Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 HR1658” and then follow to the records of how much Assets were confiscated during for example one year 2006. More than 6 billion dollars of property were confiscated and auctioned off. More than 3 billion dollars were put into the government coffers as a result of the auctions for that one year.

Just this week it was published that the Federal Drug Administration has the right and the power to state that Mercury is harmless and there should be no concern about taking it into your body through vaccinations. (Dr. Mercola  [ Click Here to See it. ]

)  The Federal authorities can come and take your property and savings – everything you own and at any time. They don’t have to have a reason and there is nothing you can do to get it back. So I have fair reason to be paranoid. Sorry, about the paranoia. I’m publishing this announcement from within other countries.

Good luck in using MMS2. Don’t let the terrifying cautions on the pouch of Calcium Hypochlorite scare you away. I’ve tested it for years. If you voluntarily and privately prepare MMS2 as suggested here (in size zero capsules only), it’s both safe and beneficial – a chemical produced and needed by your own body in limited quantities. Be sure to drink ample water if you experiment with this discovery. I take it myself quite often as a maintenance-preventative strategy.

 [ Here ]  to purchase MMS2 capsules, shipping since Sept. 2009. This company ships anywhere in the world. Prices are on the web pages there. 

2. “Subtle EnergyTherapy” is in Canada at 780 634-8950 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              780 634-8950      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. They ship to the Americas primarily. Their web site for MMS1 and MMS2 is here:  [ ] . The email there is .

The disclaimer for this article is [ Here ]. These writings are educational and informative. They describe discoveries the author made and the actions of volunteers who assisted him. Readers are encouraged to consult medical professionals at medical and health clinics where valid client-patient relationships can be sustained. Statements herein about MMS1 and MMS2 have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. MMS is a well known mineral salt in distilled water. MMS1 and MMS2 are water purifiers. The information reported in this newsletter does not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have any medical condition, you must take personal responsibility if you privately experiment with MMS1 or MMS2. In fact you should consult a medical professional before using salts, minerals, foods, odors, hair colorings, skin enhancers, diet drinks, perfumes, iodine, snake bite kits, tooth paste, lotions, aspartame, alcohol, cigarettes, MSG laden soups, and products mentioned in this newsletter. Chlorine dioxide gas (produced in small quantities by MMS) is a water purifying agent used in many city water purification systems around the world. Competing drug store products are “Stabilized Oxygen” and “Vitamin O,” or other trade names packaged in various strengths. Sporting goods stores sell the same MMS mineral salt (Sodium Chlorite) in the form of water purification tablets used by campers and hunters.

 The “Terms of Use Statement” is  [ Here ] .        The “Privacy Statement” is  [ Here ] .

This MMS article is under Copyright © 2009, Institute for Advanced MMS Studies, LLC.
You may use and publish this information provided you acknowledge that it was written and researched to this point by Jim Humble with the exception of the information concerning help with healing of wounds. That data can be recovered from the internet.

See also the MMS newsletter 006 at  [ ].
Business Contact Address:

This announcement is primarily to get the information on the record and out to thousands of people around the world. I can’t suggest that you follow and do what I have done. It’s the information that’s valuable – a key to reducing and reversing illnesses. Thoughtful people will experiment and awaken to what is possible with this widely available Miracle Mineral Solution Number Two.

At age 76 I’m here in a country with impure water, malaria, sleeping sickness, TB, herpes, 40% population with HIV, and I’m in contact with every disease imaginable carried by strangers who knock on my door at night seeking help – and I remain disease free. I’m fully active as this is being written on August 15, 2009.

Jim Humble Somewhere in Africa

PS: The Mineral-Solutions company ships MMS1 and MMS2 to nearly all countries. They provide MMS2 capsules, 60 to a bottle – ready made – ready to use.

People are used to being told that you shock a pool with chlorine, but that’s not really the scientific facts. It’s easy to explain this way. The scientific facts are that no free chlorine is added to the pool. The pool is in fact shocked with hypochlorous acid. A pouch of 78% calcium hypochlorite (about one pound) costs less than $5 dollars in the US. You can buy it at any swimming pool supply store, but not just any pool chlorine. It has to be calcium hypochlorite. Back to top

Jul 092010

Harry Weldon Diehl


Harry W. Diehl, Ph.D was born in 1910 in Harrisonburg, VA. He was considered by many as one of the most brilliant natural talents in modern medical chemistry. An award winning researcher, Diehl developed over 500 new compounds, several of which were patented by the U.S. Patent Office. Diehl was recognized in 1958 for developing a new method of preparing 2-deoxy-d-ribose, a sugar found in deoxyribonucleic acid. This sugar is of vital importance to much basic research, and was used by Jonas Salk, M.D., as a culture medium to grow the Salk polio vaccine virus. Diehl’s process was published in Biochemical Preparations, one of the most authoritative journals on the subject.

However, it was his discovery of Cetyl Myristoleate and the extraordinary extent of his methods and the dedication he employed to create CM8, for which Mr. Diehl is best known.

For over 40 years of dedicated service to the US government, Dr. Diehl worked for the prestigious , National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the Laboratory of Chemistry of the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolic, and Digestive Diseases located in Bethesda, Maryland. In 1964, at the age of 40, Mr. Diehl became concernerned about a neighbor’s pain and disability from rheumatoid arthritis. His condition deteriorated over time until he became disabled. The neighbor had a family to support, but his arthritis made that impossible. Diehl was a deeply religious man whose feelings overwhelmed him as his friend’s condition worsened. Harry thought, “Here I am working for the US Government at the National Institutes of Health, and I have never seen anything that was good for curing arthritis.” He decided to take the initiative to establish a laboratory in his home to immerse himself and embark on a search for something to relieve the pain and disability of his neighbor and the millions of people who suffer from arthritis.

As a researcher, Diehl knew that finding a cure for arthritis first meant inducing the disease experimentally in research animals. He started with mice, and quickly realized that he was unable to induce arthritis in them. Diehl said he tried every way he could to give those mice arthritis, but they just would not get it. Then, he contacted a fellow researcher in California who wrote to him, “If you or anyone else can give mice arthritis, I want to know about it, because mice are 100% immune to arthritis.” At that moment, Diehl’s research instincts told him that what he wanted was already somewhere in those mice.

Utilizing thin layer chromatography of methylene chloride extract from macerated mice, Diehl noticed a mysterious compound. It was a long, tedious job, working on his own in his spare time, but Diehl finally found, isolated, and identified the extract. It was cetyl myristoleate – and it protected mice from arthritis. Now having isolated the compound, Mr. Diehl went about molecular recreation of it. This meant that rather than destroying mice to get a quantity of this amazing molecule, Harryhad learned to make it in the laboratory. Cetyl Myristoleate could be made synthetically by chemically combining cetyl alcohol, with myristollic acid and he found that this synthesized form of Cetyl Myristoleate was just as effective in providing rats immunity to adjuvant-induced arthritis as the naturally occurring form (extracted from mice).

To test his theory that mice are immune to arthritis because of cetyl myristoleate, Diehl began to experiment on laboratory rats. The next step was to use the substance to prevent arthritis in other animals. Harry injected it into two groups of rats that he knew developed arthritis when injected with Freund’s adjuvant. He was pleased to find that the group of rats also injected with cetyl myristoleate remained arthritis-free, and grew an average of 5.7 times as much as the control group that was not given the cetyl myristoleate, and which had in fact developed arthritis. This research was reported in an article written in conjunction with one of his colleagues at NIH in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. In summary, this paper reports that ten normal mice were injected in the tail with arthritis-inducing Freund’s Adjuvant (heat-killed desiccated Mycobacterium butyricum) to which rats and certain other rodents are susceptible.

Diehl’s research findings on cetyl myristoleate were published in the March 1994 issue of the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the prestigious peer review journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association and the American Chemical Society (VOL 83, #3, March 1994, pages 296-299). Mr. Diehl subsequently received three U.S. Patents for “use” on cetyl myristoleate, the first in 1977 on cetyl myristoleate, the second in 1978 for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and then in 1996 for the treatment on osteo-arthritis. After receiving his first “use” patent, Mr. Diehl immediately approached the pharmaceutical industry with his amazing discovery. Unfortunately, none of the pharmaceutical companies were interested in his discovery, probably because cetyl myristoleate was a natural substance and therefore could not be granted a “product” patent, which meant that there would not be any exclusivity and the drug firms couldn’t make billions of dollars. Being a scientist and not a marketing person, Mr. Diehl knew of no other way to bring Cetyl Myristoleate to the public, and consequently his discovery sat on the shelf collecting dust until 1991 when he, himself, started developing arthritis.

As Diehl got older, he began to experience some osteoarthritis in his hands, knees, and the heels of his feet. His family physician tried the usual regimen of cortisone and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs without much effect on the course of the disease. Finally his physician told Harry he could not have any more cortisone. “So,” Diehl said, “I thought about my discovery, and I decided to make a batch and use it on myself. ” He did, and his symptoms of osteo-arthritis disappeared. Many of his family members and friends became aware of the relief Diehl got from his discovery, and they wanted to try it, too. Before long, family members and friends grew into customers, and cetyl myristoleate appeared on the market as a dietary supplement in 1991. Since then two clinical studies have been performed on over 500 patients with various forms of arthritis, which confirm the success of CM8 for the treatment of arthritis.

The chemical formula for cetyl myristoleate is (Z)-ROCO(CH2)7CH =CH(CH2)3CH3.Cetyl myristoleate was unrecorded in chemical literature until Diehl’s discovery was reported.To this day, the current Merck Index of Chemicals does not even list cetyl myristoleate.

Harry Weldon Diehl died after a short illness in Charlottesville, Virginia on December 22, 1999 at the age of 89. In life, Harry Diehl was a tower of strength.


1. Diehl, H. W. and Fletcher, H. G., A Simplified Preparation of 2-Deoxy-D-ribose Based on Treatment of a-D- Glucose Monohydrate with Solid Calcium Hydroxide, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Vol.78, No. 2, Dec. 1958

2. Wright, M.D., J., and Gaby, M.D., A, Nutrition and Healing, August, 1996, Vol.3, Issue 8, paraphrase from page 5.

3. Private correspondence to H. W. Diehl, Rockville, Md. from Dr. Fay Wood, Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, 1969

4. Diehl, H. W. and May, E. L., Cetyl Myristoleate Isolated from Swiss Albino Mice: An Apparent Protective Agent against Adjuvant Arthritis in Rats.Jour. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.83, No. 3, Mar, 94 pp296-299.

5. Murray, M. T. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements, Prima Publishing, Rocklin, CA 1996 p. 237

6. Sobel, D. and Klein, A. C..Arthritis: What Works.St. Martins Press, New York, NY. pp.221-225
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