May 242010




Give us all you have and we will give you all we possess!

“The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”

This is one of those terrible misapprehensions, which have crept into literature unawares.

Love is not only the beginning of wisdom; it is wisdom of the highest order.

 Concentrated Attention is the key that unlocks all stores of wisdom, of truth and of spirituality.

 Will Power

 Think of Will Power. Like religion, any religion, this is the inner experience of the individual.

To get to that experience, you must leave the outer world, in thought at least, and go within yourself.  Willpower is another word for meditation. 

 How does one go inside?

 By detaching from the outer or sense world and withdrawing your attention upon something inside your mind. 

 This appears simple enough, and is the method of acquiring all willpower training and religious experiences—leaving the outer world and entering the inner world of consciousness. 

 Concentrating the attention upon something inside of one self is the way to all willpower development and spiritual experiences.

 Methods differ—so will the experiences differ. 


 The mind is a slave of the senses and sensual pleasures.  Concentrated attention, to keep the mind steady in between your eyes and brain and not let it come down.

 The purpose is attaching yourself to the inner sound (a gift of your mind). 

 This sound keeps your mind detached from your senses and where willpower develops. 

 Now the mind is dominating the soul, and the mind itself is dominated by the senses (sight, feeling, touch, taste, hearing and sensual pleasures). 

 With the practice of concentrative attention we have to reverse the whole process, so that the soul dominates the mind, and the mind dominates the senses. 

 That is the purpose of developing willpower.  Walk On.

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