Lately, physicians have noted the fact that many people are increasingly allergic to their local water. Most patients never realize that it is the water that is causing their mild bouts of depression, slight or major headaches, diarrhea, or even arthritis. Various allergists report WATER that as many as 50% of their patients are sensitive to local water, and for half your body weight in oz. daily prescribe one of the eighteen or so international and local pure mountain or spring waters. Crystal Geyser and Fuji are top commercial brands.
Some naturopaths prescribe demineralized, distilled water, which can be obtained by the gallon from drugstores. Because of the absence of minerals, such water is said to act as a cleansing magnet by attracting unnecessary minerals in the blood stream. Distilled water is alleged to be helpful in arthritis as well as some other health problems. However, the absent minerals must be replaced through food intake or through the use of multivitamins and minerals. I add a few course sprinkles of pink salt to steam distilled water that has 84 bio-available minerals contained in it.
Photonic Water: Bio Photon Energized water made coherent. Contact us about Photonic water systems.
Alkalized Water: Prefered PH of Drinking Water. Watch simple way to Alkalize Water using Lemon and Himalayan Pink Salt.httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tutQ4Cu1jVw
Steam Distilled: Pure Water made from steam distillation process.
So what is the distillation process?
Distillation duplicates nature’s hydrologic cycle of evaporation, condensation and precipitation.
Reverse Osmosis: Other purifying processes use ultraviolet filter, or reverse osmosis.
Pure Water (Neutral pH): It is true that pure water is recommended for babies. Its neutral pH has the effect of attracting extra metals into from the body and flushing from the body.
Forms Of Water: Because water is such a common substance, we tend to take it for granted, never realizing the great variety of its physical and chemical forms that are as easily available to us as the flick of a faucet, making ice cubes, or boiling water in a pot.
Each of these distinctive forms of water–ice, water and steam—must be used differently, for each has its own specific function in healing and maintaining good health. Indeed, water’s therapeutic action is so complex and varied.
Cold Water
Cold water acts in several different ways. For example, a short cold-water application acts as a tonic, while extended cold-water application acts as a depressant.
Basically, however, cold water is restorative, re-energizing and helps build resistance to disease. Cold water can help reduce even the highest fever, relieve thirst, act as a stimulant, diuretic, and anesthetic, relieve pain, reduce constipation, and aid the elimination of toxins from the body.
Cold water is the surprising and needed ingredient in a series of excellent heating compresses. Unlike hot compresses, which get colder, cold compresses, when trapped by another layer of flannel or wool (or even plastic for that matter), become hot from heat marshaled from within the body.
Ice And Ice Water
Ice or ice water is very helpful in reducing the pain of minor burns. Ice massage, or wrapped ice, is the preferred treatment for injuries, as the cold helps to control the bleeding and reduce subsequent swelling. This is the best of all treatments of all sorts of bodily injuries. Ice is an excellent anesthetic.
Warm (Neutral) Water:
Warm water is sedating, relaxes the body, and when necessary it is an effect emetic. Proper magnesium absorption through osmosis from bath salts is at this temperature. A good test is to never have sweat beads start on your forehead while in the bath. Trans-dermal effect happens (absorption into the body from skin).
Hot Water:
Hot water (as well as cold) can be used internally and externally. In an injury, heat increases blood flow, and will act to increase any inflammation; as a result, hot water must be avoided in treating injuries. However, heat can sedate, quiet and sooth the body under many other conditions. A short hot water application depresses and depletes body and muscle tone, making the body feel more relaxed. While a long hot water application both excites and depresses the body, the total effect is one of complete relaxation. Some of the most therapeutic uses of hot water are the hot baths to induce perspiration, hot compresses and foot and arm baths to reduce inflammation and pain, and contrasting hot and cold baths to quick circulation and body reaction.
Arizona’s Castle Hot Spring meets all expectations of the best that Water Therapy can offer for body rejuvenation!
Steam is available by boiling water, using a vaporizer or humidifier, or utilizing either home or professional steam rooms or sauna, installations. Steam increases skin action and creates perspiration, which in turn cleanses the body from within. Steam facials open the pores and keep them clean, and help prevent skin problems and acne. Hot steam from vaporizers eases chest congestion. Cool moist air from home humidifiers adds moist air to dry rooms, thus preventing nasal and sinus conditions, and eases a great many airborne allergic problems.
Without water to “wake up and turn on” the body each day, you may be running on empty, especially if you skip breakfast altogether.
Have a glass of cool water right after you wake up in the morning to tell your body it’s time to get started. Like a gently flowing stream that pushes along debris and rocks, your circulatory system needs fluid to get rid of stubborn free radicals and residue from burned calories that were used during the night’s metabolism.
Refresh your system with a drink of water. Add Organic Unrefined Apple Cider Vinegar for better health benefits.
Knowing the correct water treatment, and knowing how to use it, can save you needless pain and expense, and help you take more active control of your health. You have more tools here to develop your Will Power. Think before you Drink!
Have you ever wondered why your plants look so healthy after it rains?
Leafy plants use oxygen to absorb vital nutrients from the soil around their roots. Raindrops gather oxygen as they fall through the air, and the highly oxygenated water helps the plants extract nutrients more efficiently. That’s why plants look so healthy and robust after a good rain. Pure Rain™ products add millions of microscopic nanobubbles — each just a fraction of the width of a human hair — to ordinary tap water. The extra oxygen delivered by the nano-bubbles helps your plants absorb nutrients faster than ever, making them healthier, stronger, and more disease-resistant. By simply attaching them to your garden hose and watering regularly, Pure Rain™ products can increase leafy plant growth by up to 30%. They can even decrease your water usage because of the high levels of oxygen added.Think about how your plants would feel if they had regular, invigorating showers that gave the same benefits as all-natural rain water. They’d love you for it.
Best of all, Pure Rain™ does all this without any chemicals — just the way nature intended.
Proven technology
Oxygen nanobubbles have a long and successful track record in industrial and agricultural uses, and Pure Rain™ is finally making that technology convenient and affordable for everyday gardeners, all without the use of harmful chemicals.

Send oxygen right to the roots
Pure Rain™ is an innovative and environmentally safe solution that brings your oxygen-deprived plants and flowers to life using oxygen nanobubbles to make your plants, flowers, and gardens grow fuller and faster.
Stronger, healthier plants
The oxygen nanobubbles Pure Rain™ adds to ordinary hose water enable plants to absorb more nutrients from the soil around their roots, helping them resist disease and grow faster than ever.

Chemical-free growth
There are many chemical products that stimulate growth in your plants, but you might not be aware of their other long-term effects. Wouldn’t you rather see remarkable growth from everyday water?
Better results using less water
Millions of microscopic oxygen nanobubbles are added to the molecules in ordinary hose water, potentially reducing overall water usage by up to 30%.

The real value of rainwater
Using a rain barrel? While they offer some benefits, they also lose possibly the most valuable attribute of natural rain: the oxygen collected as it falls. Your plants deserve all the oxygen they can get.
Information from accumulated material, mostly…The Complete Book Of Water Healing Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph.D. Back to top